one of the ways I help rescue dogs is to bring them to adoption events. often some of the a lot more “challenging” dogs do not get out enough, and that makes them even less likely to be adopted because they are not out in front of people.
At adoption events, the dogs normally sell themselves as potential owners meet all the different dogs. Something about one pet dog will catch the attention of the ideal person, and I believe there is someone out there for every dog.
Last week I brought one of the rescue shepherd mixes to an adoption event. Sasha is one of my favorite dogs because of all the time I’ve spent with her over the last year through exercise and training. Still, last Thursday was the first time I brought Sasha to my home, introduced her to my mutt Ace and also took her to an adoption event.
Dogs need to socialize with other dogs
Any pet dog that has lived in a shelter or in boarding for an substantial period of time is going to have tons of pent-up energy, confusion, frustration and possibly poor socialization skills.
I have never seen Sasha or Ace show aggression, but I know there is some risk involved when introducing two dogs. This is why I made sure to set Sasha and Ace up for success.
Leash aggression
Dogs are a lot more likely to act aggressive if they meet another pet dog head on. owners typically cause even a lot more tension by pulling back on the leash, causing the pet dog to lunge forward.
To avoid a head-on confrontation with Ace and Sasha, I asked my partner for some help. The second I brought Sasha home, I walked her slowly down our road so Josh and Ace could catch up.
We then walked side by side so the dogs could smell each other without making eye contact. We even walked single file so the dogs could smell one another’s butts. Lovely, I know.
When the dogs were allowed to smell one another during our brief walk, neither felt threatened. There was no tension. Both had their tails and heads relaxed. They casually sniffed each other, like, “Oh, hi. كيف تجري الامور؟” and that was that.
Dogs react to insecurity
Dogs will instinctively attack insecurity. because of this, it’s crucial not to show any hesitation, tension or concern when introducing dogs.
I am always aware of my energy and how it’s affecting the dogs around me. I am also aware of Ace’s safety levels.
Ace’s socialization skills and confidence have improved in the last year because I am always fostering and pet sitting dogs. I even use Ace to help build the socialization skills of clients or friends who own aggressive or shy dogs. Every positive interaction a pet dog can have with another pet dog is invaluable.
The only time Ace shows insecurity is when he wears his gentle Leader. because of this, I don’t introduce him to new dogs when he has it on. The risk of another pet dog attacking him is too high.
Although the gentle Leader is beneficial for controlling Ace, it makes him instantly submissive and insecure. He tenses up, his tail goes between his legs and his head goes down. Prong collars or choke collars are better if you need extra control while introducing dogs.
Walking dogs together
The easiest way to socialize two dogs is to walk them together. After Ace and Sasha had been appropriately introduced, I took them for a walk. I did not allow them to walk in front. Instead, we traveled as a pack with me in the middle and one pet dog on each side.
This walk was especially crucial for Sasha. Not only did she get to walk side by side with another dog, but she got some well-needed exercise before the adoption event. It would be unfair to expect her to kick back at an adoption event without walking her first.
Multiple dogs together
At gatherings like adoption events, there will be people and dogs of all kinds. I’ve learned that the best thing I can do is be fully aware of my own actions and the actions of the pet dog I am handling. I can’t control everyone else, but I can control my own dog.
Sasha was very well behaved and got to sniff and interact with dozens of other dogs. I made sure to avoid head-on confrontations. I also kept Sasha away from any dogs that were pulling, lunging, barking or out of control in some other way.
When people look at situations from the dog’s point of view and set the pet dog up for success, the pet dog will have a much much easier time building confidence and improving her socialization skills. In the case of a rescue dog, she will have a better chance of finding her new foster home or forever home!
For a lot more information about Sasha or other rescue dogs I work with, make sure to visit my Fargo pet dog adoption page.